Thursday, October 15, 2015

Gun Control

Every time someone takes a gun and shoots a bunch of people, there's talk of gun control. What people seem to forget is that the gun is merely a tool. It doesn't pick itself up and fire at random people or ask questions and fire at those who give an answer it doesn't like. Yet, somehow people blame guns for the murder and carnage caused by the use of one.

The problem with controlling guns is that if someone is determined to get one, they will. Look at how well it's worked out making drugs illegal. Don't forget prohibition when alcohol was outlawed. WE all know how well that worked. This means that if you manage to ban guns, only people who don't care about laws will have one and law abiding citizens such as myself will be defenseless against those with guns.

The other thing I see is that if someone is truly determined to kill others, that person will find a way. Several months ago, I read about a young man who managed to kill a few people with a sharp knife before he was stopped. If this happens again, will we start banning sharp knives? If so, what about people who use them to make a living, such as chefs?

Part of the point of the 2nd amendment was that we should be able to defend ourselves against those that would harm us, including if necessary, our own government. Yet, our government is using these incidents to slowly restrict our gun ownership and eventually take them away. They know they can't just grab them as people will revolt, but if enough mass shootings happen, they can use that as an excuse to limit or take away our guns for "our own safety." The idea being that if guns are only in the hands of officials, then the average maniac can't use them. The problem with that is that as one woman I knew several years ago told me, she knew where to get any gun she wanted as long as she had enough cash.She also told me that when she was young she saw a woman from Germany get off a plane and say, "Don't let them take away your guns!" This woman had seen first hand what happens when only the government is allowed to own guns.

If we really want to stop these shootings, then we need to address the issues that cause them before they happen. I read an article that points out that strong communities where people feel welcome are a huge part of this. If we really want to stop the problem, we can't leave it up to law enforcement. for more information, the article is posted here.

Please copy and paste into your browser and read this. I found it informative and I think you will to.



    Did Jesus give Peter and the apostles the authority to forgive individuals of their sins before and after they became Christians? Do contemporary pastors and priests have the authority to forgive Christians of their sins? The answer is no, no, and no.


    Mark 2:1-7....... "Why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming; who can forgive sins but God alone.(NASB)

    Jesus was God on earth, He had the authority to forgive sins. The apostles were not God on earth. Contemporary pastors and priest are not God on earth. For anyone other than God to claim they have the authority to forgive sin is blasphemous.

    Isaiah 43:15-25 "I am the Lord, your Holy One.....25 "I even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins.(NASB)

    No preachers, pastors, apostles, nor priests can wipe out transgressions. Only God forgives sin.

    Micah 7:18 Who is a God like You who pardons iniquity...(NASB)

    The apostle Peter nor any apostle had the power to pardon sins. There is not an example in the New Testament Scriptures where any apostle said to an individual nor a group of people I forgive you of your sins.

    Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 16:9) Jesus not give Peter and the apostles the authority to grant forgiveness to men. Only God forgives sin.

    Peter used the keys on the Day of Pentecost. The keys were faith, repentance, and immersions in water. (Acts 2:22-41)
    Peter did not say I or we the apostles forgive you of your sins against God, nor did he say that to anyone Christians subsequently. [Terms of pardon:FAITH John 3:16, REPENTANCE Acts 3:19, CONFESSION Romans 10:9, IMMERSION IN WATER Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16]

    There is no Scriptures that teaches that apostles, preachers, pastors, priests, nor the church as the power of absolution. Only God forgives sin.

    1 John 2:1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;(NASB)

    The apostle John did not tell those in the body of Christ to ask for absolution for theirs sins by asking the church, the priest nor the pastor to grant them forgiveness from their sins against God.


    We know that, John 20:23, does not mean the apostles, priests, pastors, nor the church has the authority to forgive men of their sins against God.

    Teaching the gospel plan of salvation to men does not mean the teacher has the authority to forgive sin.

    Praying for fellow church members does not mean that the one who prays has the authority to forgive sins.


    1. I apologize for not responding sooner, but I just found this. Thank you for responding to my post, but I don't understand why you wrote this in relation to my post about Gun Control.
