Saturday, October 8, 2016

My Neglected Blog

To any and all followers or anyone who has clicked on my blog in the last three months looking for something new, I apologize. I meant to post at least once a month, but I got discouraged about my writing space; namely the lack there of and pretty much quit writing.

I did try going to the library for quiet space or even a local coffee shop, but there were problems. There are a couple of libraries that are easy to reach from my house and one even has quiet rooms. The problem with the quiet rooms is that when someone opens the door to the one next to you, they usually don’t ensure that it closes quietly. I’d be sitting in a quiet room trying to write when suddenly – SLAM! Jolted out of whatever thought process I had going. So, I switched to a library closer to home and quieter. The biggest problem I found with trying to write somewhere other than home was the call of nature. If I needed to use the bathroom, I couldn’t just leave my stuff and go. I had to pack everything up to take it with me. That was a royal nuisance.

I finally realized that I really did have space at home to write, it was just cluttered. I mean I had important papers that I needed to file, catalogs from companies that I’d ordered from in the past and some I hadn’t even heard of sitting on every available space in my office. Then there were all the little scribbled notes I’d written about various things I’d heard about from other people that I wanted to look up. Adding to all this were writing magazines such as Writer’s Digest and The Writer. So, I decided that I absolutely had to clean up my space no matter how long it took. I’d tried to do so before, but never managed to finish in one day, so I’d shove everything into whatever space I could find, promise myself that I’d deal with it later, then forget about it or ignore it.  

When I started, I thought it would take me a month maximum. Ha! It took me just over six weeks, unless you count out two weeks being sick, then it took just over a month. There were days when I was so tempted to just give up, but I kept reminding myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day, this mess didn’t happen in a day, and when I was done I was going to have room to actually write. So, I sorted. I filed all the paperwork, tossed the junk, and found places for the magazines. Then I had to dust. I now have a clean uncluttered computer desk and a clean uncluttered roll top for hand writing drafts, journals, etc. All I have to do is keep it that way.

So, now that I’ve done all that work, I promise to be more faithful about blogging. I plan to blog at least once a month, if not twice. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs as much or more than I enjoy writing them. 

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