Saturday, March 30, 2019

I Was An Emotional Prostitute Part 47

I also came to realize that some of the people in that church, who seemed to care about me, didn’t really care. There was one man named George who loved to have me hug him, but after the church split up, he called me to tell me about another church but didn’t ask me how I was doing. What made this incident particularly sad and revealing was that the last time I’d seen him in church, I’d been on crutches as I was having trouble with my left knee and my doctor didn’t know what was causing the problem.
In fact, most people in the church didn’t really care that I was on crutches. No one offered to come to our house and help me do household chores, not even the person who ran the Helps ministry, which was there for that purpose. I asked the leader, Cindy one day in church for help and the only day she could come was David’s day off and he could do things then. When I told her this, she said that the Helps ministry was only for people who not only couldn’t do things for themselves, but who had no one else to help them. I remember looking at her in surprise and thinking, “something’s not right here.”
It wasn’t until several months later that I realized what wasn’t right. I had been part of the Helps ministry and had gotten a call to prepare dinner for a woman who’d had surgery on one arm, which made her unable cook for her family. When I delivered the dinner I’d cooked, she was surprised because no one had told her I was coming, so her husband was cooking dinner. That’s when I knew that the leader of the Helps ministry didn’t really care and was probably judging me too.
During my time on crutches, the only one who offered me anything at all, was Bill, the elder I’d gone to for help with Caleb’s baby dedication. I went up to talk him one morning after service. Before I could say anything, he took one look at me and said, “Oh, Sweetie, let me pray for you!”
Then he proceeded to do so. He was the only one in the whole church who offered me more than sympathy during that time.
David has said that when I moved in, my emotional meter was buried so far in the red, it’s a wonder I didn’t explode sooner. I know now, if I had not moved out my mother’s house, I would have exploded and the consequences would have been disastrous for both me and my son. I would have assaulted my mother with the intent to kill her.
For the first two years after I moved in, I let loose. I expressed my anger, my rage, my pain, and even my shame, but mostly anger and pain. There were times when this was difficult for me to do. In essence, I was pouring out my anger at other people on David. If I hesitated, he’d encourage me to let it go. Over time it got easier to let whatever I was feeling in the moment come out. I’d cry, scream, or rage in general. I think at first it was about mother’s second husband, Don, who sexually and physically abused me, as well as the men who’d used and hurt me.  
What I didn’t realize at first, was that a lot of my anger was actually directed at my mother. It wasn’t till David told me one day that every time I talked with my mother on the phone, the moment I got off, I’d be going, “Do you know what she did, now?”
Then he told me that if I didn’t start telling her how I really felt about her, he was going to spank me.  He wasn’t kidding. So, the next time I was on the phone with mother, I started telling her how I really felt. It wasn’t easy at first, as she is my mother. As time went on I got more comfortable telling her my true feelings and soon it became a habit. At this point, I’m not speaking with her, unless absolutely necessary. Like the night we met my aunt, her sister and my uncle for dinner. Even then, I kept what I said to her to an absolute minimum.

David and I do not co-habitat in the usual sense of the word. I don’t sleep in his bed as a general rule. Yes, I’ve slept in his bed at times, with him, but not to have sex. It was because I needed to cuddle. I wanted and needed the comfort of being able to lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. There were times when had it been possible; I would have spent every night in his bed for that reason. There were a couple of problems with that idea.
One of them being that David had never slept next to someone who wanted to cuddle so much. Apparently, his ex-wife, Jan was something of an iceberg. During their 20 years or so of marriage, she showed no real desire to cuddle or be really affectionate. We also discovered early on that we’re both passionate, loving people with a great capacity to love. While those things can be a blessing, they can also be difficult, especially in this kind of situation. The last reason we couldn’t is that we both snore and talk in our sleep, so neither of us would get much real rest.
We did however, finally work out a compromise where I would come in and lay with him to cuddle for a bit without all the problems, although at first that had its problems too. We discovered that I could come in about 15 minutes before David had to get up for work and cuddle with him. At first, I would come in and he would start kissing me. Then we wouldn’t really be just cuddling. On top of that it got my hormones running with nowhere to go. After this had happened a few times, I told him how it made me feel and he quit. At first I would quietly slip in and wait for him to realize I was there rather than just snuggle up thereby disturbing his sleep. As time went on he became aware I was there the moment I entered the room and was ready to snuggle as soon as I crawled in. Not only that, but if I moved as if to move away before he had to get up, he pulled me closer. I cannot begin to express how nice that was.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Thank You for Following & For Your Understanding

If you’ve followed my blog, then you know that I’ve been unable to post for the last few weeks due to computer issues. It turns out I needed a new keyboard.

I have my computer back and it’s functioning nicely. It took longer than I hoped it would, but it’s nice to have it back. The new keyboard feels nice, too.

So, starting next week, I’ll resume my normal blog. I will, of course, be resuming my life story. I’ve started working on it, but it’s not ready for posting even though I hoped it would be this week.

I want to thank you for reading my posts and for your understanding when I couldn’t post.